René & Bruno Return!
Sorry for not posting for ages (was on holiday)but here again are René & Bruno in: The Guinea Pig Extravaganza!
So, let’s get started off with…
René (talking to the tunnel): Bruno, Bruno, let me in! Those weird beings are watching me.
Bruno (in the tunnel): mumph…go find your own tunnel René.
René (looking down the tunnel): Bruno, you in there?
Bruno (looking at me): give me food weird beings!
Bruno (talking to the tunnel): René, are you there?
René (in the tunnel): what is it?
Bruno (still talking to the tunnel): can I join you?
René(still in the tunnel): no.
Bruno (dejected): oh, ok…
Bruno (eating hay): you should try this hay, René.
René (Still as a statute): be quiet Bruno, the weird beings are watching us again!
Bruno (mumbling to the hay): maybe they want to give us more hay?…
Thanks for reading,
Hetty Monksea