The State of The Author.

Hetty Monksea
1 min readJun 10, 2023


So as you all know I am a writer so I want to share what I think the best qualities are for a writer to have through this poem/essay I have written called…

The State of The Author

by Hetty Monksea

The state of the author is a state of mind/being/consciousness that we are all naturally born with: it is the state of curiosity. It is what makes us, as babies, explore our worlds. However, as we “mature” and grow older we tend to lose this special quality. However, not the author. The author treasures this quality and worships it as sacred ground. The author is the one who, peacefully quiet, observes the world around them whilst others rush headlong into it. The author watches, quite patiently, in the background while a scene unfolds itself in front of them. They then uses that spark of a magic flame called curiosity to note down every little detail behind every little action and take in all the possible factors before using their imagination to explore all four corners of their story and put to work their creative flow to spin the story as fast and as careful as they can.

Thanks for reading,

Hetty Monksea



Hetty Monksea

A bookworm and cat/guinea pig lover. Writing a story... Follow me on Twitter/Pinterest/Substack: @ATaleofJourneys