Guinea Pigs!
My sister and I recently got Guinea Pigs, they’re two boys called René and Bruno. They are two months old, and SO adorable.
They both love clovers, grass, and dandelions. And they go MAD for ground elder!
Bruno is less timid than René, like he often eats in our presence. Yet he is not to sure when it comes to going up or down the ramp in the hutch. Although, today he actually for the first time ever, went up the ramp of his own accord!
You see, René will come and go up and down the ramp as he pleases. However, he will almost never, ever, eat when we are there.
And also we once saw him chaperoning Bruno along. So, who knows! At the moment it is quite hard to tell who is the boss, but that may change over the next few months. At least they are happy and are not so bothered by us holding them! My sister and I even made a video of them, here it is: