Dead Man’s Coin: A Book Review.

Hetty Monksea
2 min readOct 21, 2023


Now this is a very special book because it was written by a girl who is only sixteen years old! This only proves that writing is nothing to do with age, but only how well you can write and how determined you are to have your story published. Not only is this proof of young people’s talents but it is also a brilliant and fun read as well. I also had the absolute pleasure of meeting the author in real life and we got on very well, even sharing a favorite TV show and singer ( — Gilmore girls and Lana del Rey).

Dead Man’s Coin

by Saena Tetlow.

book cover

“Rosie raced forward, but before she reached the man, someone grabbed her arm in a tight grip.”

Rosie Lightwing is a teenage girl living with her parrot Razario in Venice. Her life is exceedingly dull and boring until the day when she stumbles across a dead body clutching a coin which Rosie recognizes. Suddenly her normal life is shattered as she, on a instinctive feeling, decides to investigate the case. But with the police pursuing her and a masked killer on the loose how will Rosie solve the crime without being caught?

This book is gem of a murder mystery. The characters are unique and believable (I especially like Rosie’s parrot Razario!), the plot feels akin to the classic crime novel yet sprinkled with fresh ideas and the historic setting of Venice brings out the tantalizing quality this story has. The first person narrative makes the story feel more immediate and helps to quicken the pace. And the language is of amazingly beautiful quality from one so young, Tetlow has the perfect balance between description and dialogue. I also loved intriguing interludes told from the point of view of a mysterious man who remains unknown for most of the book. And the best bit about this story? It’s a series so we get to find out even more about Rosie Lightwing’s adventures! I can’t wait for the next installment. 4.5/5 stars!

Thanks for reading,

Hetty Monksea



Hetty Monksea

A bookworm and cat/guinea pig lover. Writing a story... Follow me on Twitter/Pinterest/Substack: @ATaleofJourneys